Snoop Dogg Sent in the Church to Cause Division


Welcome to Snoop Dogg Sent in the Church to Cause Division

Snoop Dogg sent by the Illuminati to bring EVIL (Duality) into the Church….There’s a great number of Gospel artist and preachers who have sold their souls to the Elite to back him up to Control the Opposition (the Masses) The Division has started, and these False Teachers are uniting Evil with GOOD, the Forming of a ONE WORLD RELIGION! Ushering in the Anti-Christ.

Snoop Dogg Sent in the Church to Cause Division

Snoop Dogg Sent in the Church to Cause Division Part 1

Snoop Dogg, whose real name is Calvin Broadus Jr., has a past fraught with controversy and underhanded dealings, which has added to the skepticism many feel about his new album and assertion that he is a Christian.


Snoop Dogg Sent in the Church to Cause Division Part 2

Snoop Dogg has been accused of offering alcohol and marijuana to underage girls and he even bragged about prostituting young women..

Snoop Dogg Sent in the Church to Cause Division Part 3

As far as his religious beliefs, in 2009 he announced that he had joined the Nation of Islam, then in 2012 he became a Rastafarian. Now, he claims to be a born-again Christian.

Snoop Dogg Sent in the Church to Cause Division Part 4


Murder Was The Case contains truth in the fiction. Truth that Calvin Broadus had no problem with a short film depicting himself selling his soul to the devil. Telling the Elite he’s down with the Brotherhood!


Snoop Dogg Sent in the Church to Cause Division Part 5


 Look closely at this screenshot of Snoop Dogg praying. This is unbelievable. They actually put an upside-down cross on the wall. If you do not know an upside-down cross is a satanic symbol to represent the rejection of Jesus as defined on the Church of Satan website itself (I do not care to link to it) …

Snoop Praying

2) There are scenes in this short film where the devil and Jesus are combined to be the same lord. To declare that Satan and Jesus are the same is brazen blasphemy. This is what blasphemy looks like! In artistic and blasphemous fashion Calvin Broadus chose Satan to be his savior. Dr. Dre produced it and directed it and participated in it. One has to seriously wonder who he worships too. And I sincerely hope comedian Charlie Murphy was just too young and naive to realize what grave transgressions were happening around him – but I doubt it.

Snoop Dogg Sent in the Church to Cause Division Part 6


 At 13:10 of the Murder Was The Case short film Snoop Dogg breathes in the spirit of Satan like smoke …

Snoop Breathing in Satan

Now follow me because this is astonishing. Fast forward 20 years later to the music video California Rollwhich I wrote about in-depth. Snoop Dogg repeats the exact same ritual when he shows a “hieroglyphic” diagram showing a young woman how to breathe in the Egyptian god Anubis and then he performs the ritual to the young woman in the crowd. This is not by accident …

Spirit Diagram California Roll

Isn’t it a little bit coincidental that in 2 separate music videos Calvin Broadus breathes in Satan and 20 years later he teaches a young woman how to breathe in Anubis? Not to those of us familiar with the Thelema religion and the Torah (and by all means you should be). Let me explain. The Age of Horus (which is the same thing as the Age of Aquarius) began on December 21st 2012. The Thelema religion wants to usher in a New Age – the Age of Horus (where Horus is an ancient Egyptian god). Snoop is showing us the old dog has learned new tricks. Today he worships Egyptian gods in the same fashion he worshiped Satan 20 years ago. He breathes them in (possession). Once you understand the Thelema religion you will come to know it is one in the same with devil worship. They are simply two different styles. How do we know that Egyptian gods are devil worship? How do I make that leap? The God of Abraham told us himself in the Torah …

Snoop Dogg Sent in the Church to Cause Division Part 7

And God spake all these words, saying,

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. – Leviticus 20:1-3 – KJV Bible


Snoop Dogg Sent in the Church to Cause Division Part 8

Snoop Dogg sent by the Illuminati to bring EVIL (Duality) into the Church….There’s a great number of Gospel artist and preachers who have sold their souls to the Elite to back him up to Control the Opposition (the Masses) The Division has started, and these False Teachers are uniting Evil with GOOD, the Forming of a ONE WORLD RELIGION!