Coronavirus Deception
Where do we receive most of our information today? What mechanisms are used to communicate to people in the timeliest manner and to reach the most people at once? Clearly, the media is what is used very effectively to communicate to the populace. We get the great bulk of our messages of communication from the television, the radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. Is it possible that the media we are listening to is controlled by powerful people behind the scenes? Is it possible that these power groups are dictating what people are told in order to help the masses embrace an agenda? On the other hand, this same powerful tool used by the Elites is what’s causing to be Zombies, they are all under mind control to believe everything that they’re programmed to believe. Covid-19 was created in a lab to depopulate this world and to be able to control it under The NEW WORLD ORDER! You heard of that, haven’t you? In my Chronicles, I’ve been going hard about the synagogue of Satan that works for the WHORE of Revelations 17, and 18,

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