This is what the Elite Wanted!!


San Francisco, CA – A new study lead by Dr. Felipe Maybals shows 95% of men who wear skinny jeans find other men who wear skinny jeans attractive.

The study, led by Dr. Felipe Maybals from the Department of Psychology at the University of San Francisco, involved 400 men who were tested in numerous ways one which included showing them images of other men wearing skinny jeans. 380 of the men either smiled and said things like “those are cute jeans” when shown images of other men wearing skinny jeans.

Dr. Felipe Maybals believes this has something to do with the tightness of the jeans pushing in the male genital area giving the male the impression they have a mang*na, making them feel feminine.

We will update you on this study as soon as more information is released by Dr. Felipe Maybals.


  1. Thanks Man of God ! I appreciate the work and teaching you put into your videos. They are educating and a blessing. I wondered have you ever done a video on Christians who pledge or are in sororities and fraternities? Leaders are not speaking on this subject seem to be turning a blind eye to it. What do you think?

    • You are welcome and no I haven’t did a Chronicle on the subject, but that’s step one of becoming a mason.

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