Threats of pandemics are real. That doesn’t mean we should all lock ourselves in our homes and never come out. Part of what makes them so scary is the inability to predict when they might hit as well as their severity. Medical science has come a long way, but as we all painfully know, some diseases resist treatment.

The other thing that makes them frightening is the scope of the devastation that is possible. We recall that the Black Death wiped out one-third of Europe in the Middle Ages. Medicine has advanced considerably since then, but so has the ability of hostile actors to weaponize diseases. This would represent one of the most horrific of all terrorist acts one might consider.

We also have globalists who have called for a substantial reduction in the Earth’s population. The “Mouth of the South” Ted Turner would be one. Prince Philip, the Queen of England’s husband is another. And so would our “friend” Bill Gates. s there a connection? Is something else going on behind the scenes?”

We’d much rather not think of them, but scientists admit that the possibility of a global flu pandemic is real. They are talking about a strain for which we have limited if any immunity and which would result in a terrifying reduction in the population of our world. In other words, treatments might not be effective.

To make matters worse, there is the theory that members of the global elite who have publicly called for a reduction in the world’s population might be supportive of a plan to accomplish just that. So they couch their plans for a “false flag” attack by making public remarks using a technique referred to as “predictive programming.”

Here are 46 quotes from world leaders on population control. Click here


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