Another luxury brand, another one-eye sign. Cara Delevingne is doing it for AX. But wait, maybe its just an eyepatch.Same ad campaign, same 100%, intentional one-eye sign, signifying that the brand is owned by the occult elite.This pic was at the top of an article about Daniel Kaluuya, star of the movies Get Out and Black Panther. One eye hidden = Elite owned.This pic was at the top of an article about Chadwick Boseman, star of the movie Black Panther. One eye hidden = Elite owned.Michelle Keegan in Cosmopolitan magazine with one eye hidden. “But bro, wait, this is not Illuminati, she’s just being cute”. Possible. Let’s look at another pic.Same photoshoot. Same one-eye sign. The “Girl Power” shirt is rather ironic since she’s flashing her lack of power versus her elite owners.Singer Tinashe showing that she’s elite-owned as well.