Home Prophecy Chronicles Understanding your Bible Chronicles 1-6

Understanding your Bible Chronicles 1-6

Understanding your Bible Chronicles


Welcome to Understanding Your Bible Chronicles

Understanding Your Bible Chronicles Vol1 Subtitle: The devil’s Artificial statement The New Age Movement we see how it started in Genesis 3:15 A mixture of all Occult belief’s mingled together forms that composite beast in Revelation 13:1 The New Age Movement is a old age movement, it’s a religion created by Satan to brain wash the masses into receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST! Join Scott Hinton in director of the Pastor’s Chronicles in the new series titled, “UNDERSTANDING YOUR BIBLE CHRONICLES

It’s time to know the FULL TRUTH!!!!!!!!!

Understanding your Bible Chronicles Vol 1

Understanding your Bible Vol 1 pt 2

Welcome to UYB Pt2 this part will begin to get in deep with the powers responsible for the corruptions on earth. UYB Part 2 is the road to waking the masses up to understanding the system created to make men and women ZOMBIES into worshipping Lucifer! All of the Lies started from the Garden of Eden and it grew in the hearts of man because man rejected the true creator. In Part 2 UYB, Pastor Hinton reveals the origin behind astrology and how it ties in with SUN WORSHIP! this Part of the chronicles goes hard on the artificial LIE THE DEVIL CREATED..


Understanding your Bible Chronicles Vol 1 pt 3

In this Part of UYB Chronicles we going deep in the Occult Satanic religions, who is involved and how the Great people of the earth seek to force this on the masses.. If you want to get more knowledge about the word of God and what’s happening in the is world purchase my books on Amazon…Amazon.com: Scott Hinton: Kindle Store https://buff.ly/2yTQiKl


Understanding your Bible Chronicles Vol 1 pt 4

Part 4 of Understanding Your Bible Chronicles (UYB) reveals how Occult religions came about, but why? This system Satan created was the early stage of the mystery iniquity. Many are witches and don’t even know that they are at war with the Creator. Most Preachers and Pastors are witches because they have submitted to the artificial statement the devil created in the garden of Eden. The subliminal warfare (mind science) is why the world will surrender their hearts to the Anti-Christ power which is already here. Join Pastor Scott Hinton, in Part 4 of UYB and begin your journey to the truth..

I hope so far you are being Blessed

Understanding your Bible Chronicles Vol 1 pt 5

In this Part we are going hard and revealing the false teachings of Kabbalah!

Understanding your Bible Chronicles Vol 1 pt 6

UYB pt 6 goes deeper in the occult believe called Kabbalah. Kabbalah is apart of the New Age Movement and majority of politicians and entertainers follow Kabbalah. Kabbalah turns the mind from God to self as god. Beyonce, Oprah etc, pushes Kabbalah and this is the direct cause why many have turn away from God and will receive the Mark of the Beast. Mysticism has infiltrated the church and Millions are lost! What happens to a man when he dies, kabbalah teaches you that you have an eternal soul! This is not what the Bible teaches at all! Join Scott Hinton, director of The Pastor’s Chronicles as you learn the truth about how mysticism has infiltrated the church.


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